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Setup HUGO on a local machine using Docker


This post is sharing how to setup HUGO on a local machine using Docker Desktop. We will also try to create a simple page and a post.

Shall we start?

We are using 0.107.0 version of HUGO here. But you may want to check docker hub for other stable version number.

In an empty folder, we are going to create a new site called new-site, execute:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src klakegg/hugo:0.107.0-ext-alpine new site new-site --format yaml

A folder name new-site should be generated.

Create docker-compose.yml in the root of the project:

      image: klakegg/hugo:0.107.0-ext-alpine
      command: server -D --poll 700ms
        - "./new-site:/src"
        - "1313:1313"

We have added -D --poll 700ms parameters to include drafts for an easier development on our local machine.

Execute the following to serve the site:

docker-compose up

Navigate to http://localhost:1313, you should be seeing a “Page not found” message as there is no content in the site.

Now, we try to add content. Create layouts/index.html:

<!doctype html> 
<html lang="en"> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 
    <title>HUGO & Docker demo</title>  
    <h1>Hello, world!!!</h1> 

Navigate to http://localhost:1313 again and you should be seeing “Hello, world !!!” message.

Basic Configuration

We are now setting the production url, language and the titel of the new site. Create config.toml in the new-site directory:

baseURL = 'http://example.org/'
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'My New Hugo Site'

The value of baseURL must start with the protocol and end with a slash.

Writing a post

To add a new post, execute the following in the container:

hugo new posts/my-first-post.md

Open the file generated in /content/posts/my-first-post.md, you should see something like this:

title: "My First Post"
date: 2023-08-19T15:27:16Z
draft: true

Add some markdown to the body of the post, but do not change the draft value. For example:

title: "My First Post"
date: 2023-08-19T15:27:16Z
draft: true

## Introduction

This is **bold** text, and this is *emphasized* text.

Visit the [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) website!

Navigate to http://localhost:1313/posts/my-first-post/ . The site should be rebuilt automatically. You should be seeing the content you just added.

Publish the post

Update the value of draft from true to false in the markdown file, then execute:


This will build and publish the site, you can view the published files under public/. To publish again, we have to manually delete everything under public/ before execute the above command again.

Wrapping up

We have setup a HUGO site using Docker and Docker compose on a local machine. We also created an index page and published a post.
